The last days of the year are passing (when I am writing this) and I am looking back. What a year it has been! A great year! An exciting year!
If someone would have told at the end of last year (2017) that I would run my own little business teaching others to sew and selling handmade girls dresses, I wouldn’t have believed that person. Quitting my job which made me so unhappy was indeed the best decision. I now belong to the people who can say that they love what they do.
The business is growing slowly, I am excited what is going to come in 2019. I hope I can teach many more people to sew and pass on my passion and experience and get many hooked on sewing.
I am going to start the year with adding a new dressmaking course which means I offer 5 sewing courses in total, from beginner to dressmaking. Beside the new dressmaking course, I will also add a couple of garments for boys to my handmade collection. Look out for t-shirts in 3 different fabrics, a shirt in two different fabrics and a pair of shorts.
Privately, I have made a whooping 43 garments for myself and the people close to me. If you go back to my blog post of ‘what I have been sewing’ you will find all garments and get inspired, or try using this link.
If I had pick only 3 of my favourite garments of 2018 then I would chose these:
While I have finished this year on a high note and challenged myself to not just one coat but two, I would like to make more trousers that fit. Although I have made a couple of shorts, the fit could always be better. So my goal for 2019 is to make more separates and fit trousers, interspersed with dresses of course :)
These are the pattern I am looking at for my sewing list for 2019, changes might still happen over the year:
So bring on the New Year, I cannot wait!
How was your sewing year? What are you plans for next year?
Thanks for hanging out with me.