If you are thinking to use a rotary cutter and cutting mat to cut your fabrics and projects, then you will need pattern weights. And you don't have to spend a lot, you can make them! On top of that, you can use some of those fabric scraps. Two Birds with one stone!
Here is what you need:
Fabric Scraps
Matching thread
Uncooked Rice
And of course your sewing machine, pins & needles, scissors or rotary cutter, mat and ruler
For each pattern weight, cut the fabric to a rectangle that measures 8" x 4".

Fold the fabric rectangle (8" side) in half with right sides together and pin two of the raw sides together.

Sew a 1/4" seam allowances at the two pinned edges and don't forget to backstitch at the beginning and at the end.
Clip off the corner without cutting into your stitching.

Turn the project right side out. To get the triangle shape, pull the fabric, so the seam and the fold of the fabric meet. Fill gently with rice.

Turn the open side by 1/4" to the inside. When you cannot fill anymore rice inside, then it is time to sew our opening close.

Pin the folded side together and slip-stitch the opening close with a hand-sewing needle. To slip stitch, with a hand-sewing needle pick up a little bit of fabric on one side of the folded edge and then move to the opposite side and pick up a little bit of fabric. Make sure you make your stitches very small, not more than 2-3mm, so that the rice cannot come out. Continue going back and forth with small stitches.

And this is how to make your own pattern weights.
Thanks for hanging out with me. Happy sewing!

Opps ... careful with the rice :)